We are excited to be hosting a Coldest Night of the Year event
on Saturday February 24, 2024
What is Coldest Night of the Year?
Coldest Night of the Year (CNOY) is a winterrific family – friendly walk to raise money for local charities serving people experiencing hurt, hunger, and homelessness. Team up, fundraise, and walk together... because it’s cold out there.
This is a national event. OIM will be one of 200 charities across Canada that also come alongside the most vulnerable in our communities.
Where Will this Event be Held?
The walk will begin with registration at the beautiful Metropolitan Bible Church (The MET) located at 2176 Prince of Wales Dr, Nepean.
The 30-minute route will take you through a quiet and safe commercial neighbourhood where you will encounter special moments.
Back in the warmth at The MET, enjoy some sharing time, celebration, a light meal, fun entertainment.
Why are We Hosting this Event?
What could be a more perfect match?! OIM’s volunteers walk Ottawa’s streets nightly – not only on the coldest, but also on the hottest, wettest, windiest, snowiest nights of the year with the goal of bringing comfort – basic necessities such as food and warmth - and conversation and connections – to those struggling with poverty, homelessness and loneliness. For our volunteers who already walk for Street Outreach, this means walking without a cart!
This national event provides a unique opportunity for walkers to gain some insights and understanding about what OIM’s Outreach teams do daily.
It is a special opportunity for OIM to bring in funds to fill our Street Outreach carts, meet our Friends' needs at Door Outreach, maintain supplies for Innercity Arts and support the Veterans who participate in our IVOS program.
It is a unique chance to get the word out about the great work that OIM does.​
We plan on having an amazing experience along the 2.4 km route.
On Event day you sign in at 4 pm, with our launch ceremony at 5 pm. After the walk there will be a light supper and some great entertainment.
Along the route you will find some special stations!
Lastly the day will provide everyone with a heart for OIM’s work to come together for a day of fun!
Hear more about it!
Ottawa Innercity Ministries CNOY 2023
How do I participate?
You can create your own team of family, or friends, or neighbours, or co-workers.
Get people to donate to you and your team.
Share your team link/fundraising page with everyone you know.
Share your team link/fundraising page on your social media channels.
Share OIM’s Coldest Night social media posts with family, friends, and co-workers.
Donate to a team or walker.
To sign up:
1. Go to www.cnoy.org
2. Click the toque/hat icon “register to walk + fundraise”
3. Select location (Nepean Ottawa Innercity Ministries)
4. Read and accept the Waiver. Click “continue”
5. Choose the Registration Type (“walk by yourself”/”join a team”/”start a team”
6. Fill out all the registration details
7. Have registration issues? Contact info@cnoy.org Or call toll free 1-877-743-3413
What if I have questions about the event or Ottawa Innercity Ministries?
Contact stephen.prendergast@ottawainnercityministries.ca