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The Cracked Pots

Ottawa Innercity Ministries

In God’s eyes we are all broken and beautiful. In His eyes we are all worthy of love and acceptance regardless of our societal position or living conditions.

If we do not dig deep for the courage to be moldable then we will be stuck in the same position until we are able to gain the strength to say “yes” to the possibility of change and transformation. This is a difficult task for so many of the people we are called to serve and love.

The term “cracked pots” has many meanings.

Kintsugi is the Japanese art of taking broken pieces of art and putting them back together using gold – a metaphor for embracing your flaws.

In our flaws, God sees gold through the lights in our personal cracked pieces. He carefully and lovingly picks us up in His hands and mends us back together into His masterpieces; each one of us unique and precious in His eyes and dear to His heart.

Our at- risk and vulnerable street engaged youth are just as important regardless of what their brokenness looks like. Their pots, until they are mended may let more light in; however watching the transformation of them going from broken to beautiful is the most incredible gift one could pray for.

What a gift and pleasure it has been over the years to watch our youth have the courage to step out of their comfort zones to accept unconditional love and support in their struggles.

My prayer is that the people around them will not see their cracks… but instead those spots where God is working on and slowly filling with gold.

~Bonnie, Youth Internship Coordinator

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