Hey! Carl! Carl, where are you? Where did you go? Did you move away? Did you find housing? Are you clean from drugs and alcohol? Are you safe? Are you warm? Are you with friends? Are you well? Carl, I miss you….where are you?
This is sometimes the reality of our work. We get close to our street friends. They mean something to us. We laugh with them and sometimes cry with them. We help them get housing and sometimes we watch them lose it again. We see them at their best and at their worst at times. And we accept them, just as they are and pray that they might accept us too…warts and all. And sometimes, they just….disappear….
Carl…I miss you. You continue to be in my prayers and I hope to see you again. I pray that you are safe, that you are clean from your demons, and that you have found new friends or family that cares for you. I pray that you won’t forget our laughs at the office. Call me some time to let me know how you are. I miss you.