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Working Together

Ottawa Innercity Ministries

Last week I went to visit a neighbouring centre that also helps the homeless. My intention was to chat with the Director about its programs and determine, if any veterans were attending how we could work together to get them assistance.

As I walked in, I immediately spotted someone who volunteers with OIM on an “as needed basis”. She has such a huge and giving heart. This lady was chatting with two young people who were travelling through Ottawa. My immediate impression was that the young lady was scared and overwhelmed. The young gentleman with her was also scared but nervous of accepting anything from anyone. The young lady kept saying, “I must stay with him because he has seizures.” My heart broke.

I sat and chatted with them and a co-worker came over to see how we could help them. We were able to direct them to a couple of different spots that they could spend the night and a couple of leads on how to get back to Toronto. As I left to return to the office, I ran into another group of outreach workers from another organization. I let them know about the couple and they said they would help them get back.

Now, nothing about any of this seems extraordinary. The one area that impressed me most, however, was how the various agencies come together and work together to help those in need. This is what Jesus meant in Matthew 25 when he said if we help the less fortunate, we help him. We are not called to do all things alone. We are called to work together for the greater good and to provide for His children on the streets.

I have thought of this couple so many times since. Did they make it back? Were they able to stay together and protect each other? God doesn’t put an age limit on when we need help. You may be 15, 25, you may even be 95 - it’s all the same. We were created to be in fellowship with each other and to help one another.

One of the best ways we can come together and support/help each other is through prayer. It is free and yet so rewarding to watch God work in other people’s lives. As this young couple makes their way back to Toronto, I will continue to pray protection over both of them and for them to reach their destination with no hassles.

Who will you pray for today?

~Elizabeth – IVOS Support

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