The 52-Hertz Whale
Have you ever met someone who is just amazing at remembering names? That person who you met once 3 years ago, who remembers your name as...
The 52-Hertz Whale
A Tough Night
Learning to Carve
A Glimpse into Mental Illness
Mandala Workshop
Resilient Heroes
10 Years of Innercity Arts
Behold, Real Art
New Bursary Program
Larissa’s Journey: One Final Thank You!
Larissa’s Journey: Thank You! (Part 2)
Larissa’s Journey: My Christmas Wish
Larissa’s Journey: My Changed Life
Larissa’s Journey: I Met OIM – Choir & Innercity Arts
Larissa’s Journey: Early Years in Foster Care
Larissa’s Journey: My Earliest Memories
Showing Love Through Food
When the Streets are Safer than Affordable Housing
He Came To Us
Coming Full Circle @ The Innercity Arts Giveaway