A Thank You Note
Subject: Re: Against all hope do you have a sleeping bag
You Dear Lady are a Saint.
No Quartermaster ever could hold a candle to you.
This sleeping bag is top of the line top quality.
I didn't have to wear long johns nor a long sleeve shirt.
I wore a golf shirt and a hoodie and I was more then fine.
I actually was almost too warm.
I thank you immensely for your efforts and concern.
Indeed Madam I am in your debt
You always thank us for our service.
If you don't mind it's us that thank people like you.
We served to protect and serve you.
We existed because good people like you existed.
You're the reason we exist and do whatever we do.
So my dear sweet lady, thank You for giving us a reason to do whatever were born to do, what we had to do, and what we must do.
With sincere and uppermost respect
Ottawa Innercity Ministries, in partnership with Veterans Affairs Canada, offers practical support and a weekly drop-in for homeless and at-risk Veterans. We offer one-on-one support in a safe and welcoming community that follows all Ottawa Public Health’s COVID Protocols.
The IVOS program consists of the following:
Street Outreach
Street Outreach happens 7 days a week, and we are actively seeking out and identifying Veterans by asking the question, "Have you served?" This is the start of the process to help Veterans get back on their feet.
Door Outreach
Every Tuesday from 1-3 pm Veterans in need can come to the OIM Office (391 Gladstone Ave) and receive food, clothing and other supplies.​​​
IVOS Fellowship - open to ALL Veterans who want to be part of our community
We meet every Wednesday from 10:30 am - 12:30 pm at the OIM Office (​391 Gladstone Ave) for a time of camaraderie with other Veterans
Recreational Activities
Access to literature, resources, a phone and computer
Lunch provided
IVOS Movie Night (currently paused until further notice) - open to ALL Veterans who want to be part of our community
We meet on the third Monday of each month. Doors open at 5:45 pm
Meal provided
Transportation may be provided
No one understands a Veteran, like a Veteran.
If you would like to get involved here is more info on becoming an OIM Volunteer please reach out.
For more information:
Contact us at or
call/text at (613) 302-4339
*Identity protected.