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Hear what we have to say

Oct 2, 2014
What a difference a year makes….
Eva left home in her early teens. Eventually, she became homeless and addicted to drugs. As a young woman on the streets, she was quite...

May 16, 2014
Above and Beyond
Last year, a woman named Debra contacted me about helping out with the art group. Debra is a busy mother of 2 with a gift of cooking and...

Apr 17, 2014
Volunteer Perspective
Getting up for 5:30 am isn’t very enjoyable to me but then I get thinking about our street friends in Ottawa. They have already started...

Apr 8, 2014
WOW!! Volunteer Week at OIM!
Of course, it’s the same volunteer week as everywhere else, but at OIM, our volunteers are the best! Why? Our volunteers are on the...
Mar 18, 2014
Ottawa Home and Garden Show. Why?
OIM has been given a booth at the Ottawa Home and Garden Show, March 20 to 23 at the Ernst and Young Centre. Why? A friend of the...

Mar 14, 2014
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” ― Benjamin Franklin Mentorship is one of the most important...

Feb 6, 2014
Are you a pessimist or an optimist?
Are we thankful no matter what? Even when we are going through difficult times? Perhaps things have been pretty dim looking lately;...
Feb 3, 2014
The Small Things Guy…
Following from last week, my friend ‘Jesse’, the ‘small things guy’. So last week at the drop in, I had to call the police and ask them...

Jan 23, 2014
The Warrior
“Father, I’m so weak…I’m so weak.” I was saying this to myself as I walked my outreach route, at the end of a particularly rough week. It...
Jan 20, 2014
A Place of Second Chances
I remember very clearly the day when Vern spoke up to support another guy who messed up. The guy stole something from our office, and we...
Jan 13, 2014
Volunteers Welcome!
Thinking about volunteering? Just that in and of itself might be enough to change the course of your life! Volunteers are truly the...
Jan 8, 2014
Volunteer Perspective: Why I Love Outreach
I love street outreach. I don’t go out because of a sense of obligation, or because it’s what ‘good Christians’ do to get on God’s nice...
Dec 16, 2013
“Tessa’s Home” Episode 6: Passion 4 Youth Art Program – OIM is Home
Tessa’s Home is an 8 part series running until December 27th. To listen to the audio backgrounder from CHRI, click below. Miss previous...
Nov 4, 2013
A Table to Share
“Give thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” –Ephesians 5:20 Thanksgiving Dinners are a...
Oct 28, 2013
A Big Thank-You for a Wonderful Evening
Everyone here at Ottawa Innercity Ministries, staff, volunteers and street-friends, would like to thank our supporters for coming out to...

Oct 3, 2013
heARTfelt Thursdays: A Portrait of a Man
Her first stop was to see Clark, who is pictured above. He was sitting outside a store, soggy from the rain. He was happy to see the...
Jul 12, 2013
Our Outreach Volunteers
The Shepherds of lost sheep They roam the jungle of the streets Walking in the heat, rain and the cold Their hearts are made of pure...
Jul 10, 2013
Life on the Streets
Several years ago, I was volunteering in New York City for the first time and experienced seeing people living on the streets or in the...
Jul 8, 2013
Caring Volunteers
Every Thursday evening in the P4Y art room, 20 or so youth gather and let their creative juices flow. On a typical night, one youth is in...
May 15, 2013
One cool Tuesday afternoon before the OIM Drop-in closed its doors, a man walked into the main room requesting one small bottle...
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