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Hear what we have to say

Jul 18, 2019
I Met Jesus This Morning
I make a quick stop at a local fast food restaurant for some food and meet a homeless gentleman at the door. He is panhandling, which is...

Jun 27, 2019
Pancakes and Paintbrushes
Brushing the experiences of the previous night off their faces, putting on possibly the only set of clothing they own; making their way...

May 24, 2019
The Four Stages
However, to get to that point in its life there’s a journey and a fight requiring strength and determination. There are 4 stages in the...

Feb 28, 2019
Behold, Real Art
We can all look at the same piece of art, read the same book, see the same movie and feel and take away something completely different;...

Jan 25, 2019
Come As You Are
It’s a safe place where you are accepted exactly as you are. There is no judgment; just unconditional community, support and love....

Dec 28, 2018
Larissa’s Journey: One Final Thank You!
Larissa’s Journey is a blog series featuring one of the young people in the Innercity Arts program that began on November 26, 2018. We...

Dec 12, 2018
Larissa’s Journey: I Met OIM – Choir & Innercity Arts
Larissa’s Journey is a blog series that we hope will offer insight and understanding into the lives of one of the young people in the...

Sep 17, 2018
Community BBQ
Our Administrative Assistant, Gaby, is normally busy working at the office. But recently, she had the opportunity to visit our drop-in...

Jun 14, 2018
Even The ‘Unlovable’
I’m not talking about the stories of trauma, tragedy or loss which I have – sadly – come to expect. No, I’m talking about something a...

May 24, 2018
Nurturing God’s Creation
Our love of nurturing nature in this simple way brings great joy. While most of us understand the need to nurture God’s creation, helping...

Apr 29, 2018
Every Life Has A Story
One of these uniquely complex stories involve a gentleman by the name of ‘Jim.’ I have been blessed with the opportunity to help him as...

Apr 27, 2018
Small Gestures
I was reminded of this recently when a former client called us from Toronto. She and her husband had been struggling with serious...

Apr 25, 2018
Catching A Glimpse
Several months later I am sitting in a coffee shop and who comes over out of the blue, but my new street friend. He tells me how his life...

Apr 24, 2018
All that we have
I have been asked if we had the following items from different people who have come to our door at different times. Things like: pens,...

Apr 18, 2018
Building Relationships On The Street
One of those individuals who I have met while on street outreach is “Bob.” Bob has been living on the streets for many years. I count it...

Apr 14, 2018
Made of Good Quality by a Caring Craftsman
Yet he was not cared for in the same way as he was made, left with many stains of abandonment and abuse. Over time, alcohol, depression...

Apr 13, 2018
A “New” Pair of Shoes
The whole night went by and we handed out the usual: sandwiches, socks, juice boxes. Finally, as we were ending our shift, one of the...

Apr 8, 2018
God of the Ordinary
It was the end of the day at our drop-in and I was getting ready to clean up the Foot Care Station. I had been there for four hours,...

Apr 7, 2018
Taking Time To Notice
And yet, they are all there with the same message: “I want your attention.” The reward in the discovery of a “blur” is like a box waiting...

Apr 5, 2018
What does volunteering at OIM look like?
Beth comes every Wednesday all the way from the outskirts of Ottawa to the downtown core, where she has been volunteering at the Office...
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