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Hear what we have to say
Feb 17, 2011
OIM Relocates Drop In
Some time ago, we learned that our weekly drop in program would be interrupted for a period of three to six months while a construction...
Feb 4, 2011
Youth Art Show III
A totally unexpected outcome was realized at our youth art show just a few months ago, and I don’t think I told you about it. So have a...
Jan 27, 2011
No Where to Go
We were eating lunch when about twelve taps at the door came, softly, rhythmically and then stopped. We looked at each other and guessed...
Jan 20, 2011
Gladness and Sadness
Our Christmas Dinner was held this past Tuesday, January 18. Three weeks after Christmas and people who received their cheques before...
Jan 14, 2011
BIG day at the Drop In
We receive many donations of clothing at the drop in and we invite folks to help themselves to whatever they need. From time to time we...
Dec 10, 2010
Add a Homeless Person to Your Christmas List
Merry Christmas! I did some research about how much money Canadians spent last Christmas – it amounted to thirty-four and a half BILLION...
Dec 3, 2010
The Gift of Christmas (volunteer social dec. 2)
For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; And the government will rest on His shoulders, And His name will be called...
Nov 25, 2010
Any Second Chances?
I spoke with Walter on the street outside our drop in and listened as he shared his frustration with the current state of affairs with...
Nov 18, 2010
Youth Art Show II
The evening the kids have been preparing for had finally arrived. It was time for the ‘Passion for Youth’ art show at Dominion...
Nov 15, 2010
Passion for Youth ART SHOW
Thirteen street youth will be presenting their art work for show and silent auction on Monday, November 15, 2010 from 6:00 to 8:30 pm at...
Oct 29, 2010
Gary – a story about Resiliency (and more)
Gary came down the stairs at the drop in, saw me and said, “I haven’t got your money yet. I know it’s been three years. I’m working on...
Oct 21, 2010
Moved with Compassion
Returning to the office in the early evening to gather some materials I had forgotten, I discovered the first of the evening outreach...
Oct 8, 2010
Auction 2010 Report
Our second (which might become an ‘annual’) auction happened this past Monday, October 4. Here is a brief report about our evening: Over...
Sep 16, 2010
Years of Building
It sometimes takes years to build enough trust for some of our street friends to talk to us about their lives. Red is thirty-six and we...
Sep 2, 2010
LIfe on the Streets 3: Panhandling
We see people panhandling for loose change all the time in our cities. It’s commonplace. We have come to adopt certain attitudes...
Aug 26, 2010
Life on the Streets 2: Invisibility
I can become invisible in three seconds. In the time it takes for me to move to a standing position on the sidewalk to sit on the curb...
Aug 21, 2010
Life on the Streets I: Walking
I arrived back in Ottawa late last night and drove through the downtown area on the way home. I saw a man walking with a garbage bag over...
Aug 21, 2010
Life on the Streets I – Walk
I arrived back in Ottawa late last night and drove through the downtown area on the way home. I saw a man walking with a garbage bag over...
Aug 12, 2010
Restoring the cities, walls and people
At our drop in staff and volunteers meet early for some words of encouragement and a time of prayer. The brief passage of Scripture was...
Aug 5, 2010
Bedbugs or Brutality?
I walked past Jim sleeping outside the convenience store on my way to the bank. He was OK, probably tired from a late night. The...
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