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Ottawa Innercity Ministries

The Tale of Two Piano Movers

HI – My name is Dr. Greg Payne. I help folks at the Ottawa Innercity Ministries Drop-In center. This story I am about to tell gives you a glimpse of what I experience serving at the drop-in and how insightful and incredibly impactful it can be!

This story unfolded in a manner of 45 minutes.

The first guy came in the drop-in to get his chiropractic adjustment for his intractable lower back pain. You see, he was a piano mover 20 years ago. On one particular job, his partner agreed to lift on the count of 2 but instead waited an extra second and lifted on the count of three. This man felt a “pop” and “tear” in his lower back and was in considerable and immediate pain. He was a casual laborer and as such had limited benefits to assist in his recuperation (which was mainly pain medication and physical therapy). His symptoms eventually decreased but the problem really never left. He found intermittent work (over the following year) but his back pain prevented him for any gainful employment. This put such a financial strain on his family that his wife and child left him for a more secure future. His remedy you see for the pain at this point was more alcohol and drug use. Thankfully, he is starting to find some healing in the chiropractic care at the drop-in.

The second man was 20-30 years his junior. He came in to the drop-in carried by friends stooped in half with acute back pain 30 minutes later. He had just suffered the same injury the first man received all those years ago! Same type M.O., young family, laborer etc. After a history and examination I adjusted him. Miraculously, he rose off the table standing straight! He was still tender but the healing seemed active and present! With tears he thanked me and was able to walk out of the walk-in – praise God.

One thinks – or wonders, what if the first guy had an adjustment instead? Would he still be with his family or his family still with him? The consequences of choice are absolutely staggering put into context!  My purpose in life is to better people’s health through spinal reconstructive work so that people can build an awesome legacy!

If you would like some help on how to stretch and strengthen your back just click here and I’ll get that to you! 6 Common Things to Strengthen Your Lower Back


Dr. Greg Payne

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