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Hear what we have to say
Jul 11, 2019
Learning to Carve
Larissa volunteering at the 2017 festival Every year, the Canadian Stone Carving Festival raises funds for Innercity Arts. Many young...
Apr 12, 2019
Mandala Workshop
“Mandalas are an ancient artistic technique used in many cultures around the world as an aid to understanding who we are as individuals...
Jan 10, 2019
Innercity Arts Christmas Party
Every year, Innercity Arts holds a Christmas party for all of the youth in the program. It’s a special night, when both the older and...
Oct 5, 2018
New Home for Innercity Arts
You may remember that back in January, Innercity Arts had to leave our much loved art space. The room that had been our home for 3 years...
Jun 28, 2018
Volunteer Spotlight
#makingadifference #Volunteering #VolunteeringWithOttawaInnercityMinistries
May 1, 2018
Final Day of 30 Days of Prayer
Listen this morning as Executive Director, Ken MacLaren, shares the latest news about the Ministry’s most pressing need: Office Space....
Apr 29, 2018
Every Life Has A Story
One of these uniquely complex stories involve a gentleman by the name of ‘Jim.’ I have been blessed with the opportunity to help him as...
Apr 28, 2018
Lost, but not forgotten
Life is like that at times and people somehow seem to end up in the dark recesses of memory and disappear behind the urgency of the lives...
Apr 27, 2018
Small Gestures
I was reminded of this recently when a former client called us from Toronto. She and her husband had been struggling with serious...
Apr 26, 2018
The old couch in the art room
But we never got around to throwing it away so it just sat in the corner of the art room. No one ever used the old couch, unless they...
Apr 25, 2018
Catching A Glimpse
Several months later I am sitting in a coffee shop and who comes over out of the blue, but my new street friend. He tells me how his life...
Apr 24, 2018
All that we have
I have been asked if we had the following items from different people who have come to our door at different times. Things like: pens,...
Apr 22, 2018
Ottawa Emergency Services – Thank You!
One chilly Sunday afternoon early in April our team crossed Dalhousie Street at Rideau. There in front of a popular cafe, amidst the...
Apr 17, 2018
The Freedom To Ask
One day a woman came to our door. She explained that she was a single mother with a baby and a toddler at home. She asked me if we had...
Apr 14, 2018
Made of Good Quality by a Caring Craftsman
Yet he was not cared for in the same way as he was made, left with many stains of abandonment and abuse. Over time, alcohol, depression...
Apr 9, 2018
WEEK 2: 30 Days of Prayer, 30 Seconds a Day, Celebrating 30 Years
Listen this morning as Executive Director, Ken MacLaren, shares the latest news about the Ministry’s most pressing need: Office Space....
Apr 8, 2018
God of the Ordinary
It was the end of the day at our drop-in and I was getting ready to clean up the Foot Care Station. I had been there for four hours,...
Apr 7, 2018
Taking Time To Notice
And yet, they are all there with the same message: “I want your attention.” The reward in the discovery of a “blur” is like a box waiting...
Apr 5, 2018
What does volunteering at OIM look like?
Beth comes every Wednesday all the way from the outskirts of Ottawa to the downtown core, where she has been volunteering at the Office...
Apr 4, 2018
The Hope That Things Can Change
In our conversations, Stu openly admits to being a heroin addict. He is very pragmatic – almost absolute – in his resolve to continue on...
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