December Prayer Calendar
† Names of the people in this prayer calendar have been changed to respect their privacy.
December 1 & 2, Please pray for…
Leon on Bank Street, who is homeless. Pray that God continues to draw him near to Him and shelter him.
December 3, Please pray for …
Marco at Elgin, who is thinking about going home and abstaining from drugs and alcohol. Pray that God provides him the strength, to overcome this torment that keeps him bound to drugs and alcohol.
December 4, Please pray for…
Operation Road Home is a program that OIM is working on. It involves finding and assisting homeless veterans. Since this group of street friends is more reclusive than others, finding them is more of a challenge.
December 5 & 6, Please pray for…
Veteran, who is in the process of obtaining a house. Please pray that God favors him, and necessary documentation is accepted.
December 7, Please pray for…
Please pray for all our volunteers. Pray that God fills their mouth with love, wisdom, healing and deliverance when interacting with our Street friends.​​​​
December 8, Please pray for…
Tanya, who has severe oral issues, feels depressed. Pray that God heals her while providing her also peace and strength to stay away from drugs.​
December 9 & 10, Please pray for…
Patrick on Bank St., who has been robbed and lost his place to stay. Pray that God provides him with all he needs and safe shelter.
December 11, Give God thanks for…
Terry who has a cat near the Knox, who is homeless and in bad shape. Pray that he may find God who dearly loves him and can get him out of this misery.
December 12, Please pray for…
Jake, who does not want to stay in a shelter anymore. Pray that God blesses him with permanent housing.
December 13, Please pray for…
Patrick at Elgin, who has been kicked out of the Oaks and is now on the streets. Pray that God provides him with permanent shelter that he may call home.
December 14, Please pray for…
Some Veterans, who are still homeless. Pray that God protects them and keeps them warm as the the weather gets colder.
December 15, Please pray for…
Anna who is 9 months pregnant. Pray that God straightens her path and provides her with permanent shelter.​
December 16 & 17, Please pray for...
Tariq, who encounters severe health challenges, got his stuff stolen. Pray that God provides him with all he needs, and completely heals him.​​
December 18, Please pray for…
Nolan, who is homeless. Please pray for his safety while on the street.
December 19, Please pray for...
Ronald Y, who has been homeless now for 6 months, and is couch surfing while doing his part-time job. Pray that God provides him with affordable housing.
December 20 & 21, Please pray for…
Rachell, who feels all alone. Pray that she may encounter God's love and mercy for her.​
December 22, Please pray for…
A Veteran, who had a heart attack. Pray to God for a speedy recovery.​​​
December 23, Give God thanks for…
A man on Elgin, who had overdosed. Please pray that God straighten his paths, and provide him the strength to overcome this torment.
December 24, Please pray for…
John, who has a small job to do at Sally’s. Pray that this will launch him into full-time employment he loves.
December 25, Please pray for…
All our street friends, who are alone on this Christmas day. Pray that God provides them mercy so they can see and feel God’s love for them.​
December 26, Please pray for…
Jane at Sparks who is battling drugs, has several health issues. Please pray that God provides her with a sound mind and helps her to abstain from drugs.
​December 27, Please pray for…
Maya, who was diagnosed with cancer. Please pray that God completely heals her.
December 28, Please pray for…
A young lady on Bank Street is couch surfing. Please pray to God that he will provide her permanent shelter, so she can call home.​
December 29, Please pray for…
Jon on Gladstone & Bank, who got a job offer from the Salvation Army. Please pray that he will enjoy the job and keep it.
December 30, Give God thanks for…
Tom and Valerie who got evicted and are now homeless. Pray that God speedily provides them with housing.
December 31, Please pray for …
God’s mercy for all our Street friends in the year 2025.
Weekly Prayer Requests
Pray for the safety of our Street Outreach and Door Outreach Teams this week as they provide emergency provisions and share God’s love. Pray they make meaningful connections.
Pray for the young people participating in OIM’s Innercity Arts Program; pray that they feel loved by staff and volunteers and that God continues to meet their needs. Pray for the new Fitness program.
Pray for the new connections being made at the Innercity Veterans Outreach & Support (IVOS) fellowship; pray that word spreads and those veterans feel God’s love.
Pray for the young people in our Step-Up program. Pray that their needs are met and that they continue to make strides in their training and development.
Pray for healthy OIM finances, for our donors, and for all who support our mission with their time, talent, and treasure. Pray for health, safety, and God’s peace.
Pray for OIM’s Board Members and staff, as they make decisions affecting this ministry.
Pray for everyone who steps forward to provide our Street Friends with sandwiches every day and other meals for our Youth every week. Give praise to those who prepare and serve our special meals.
Weekly Prayer Requests
Please pray for these urgent need items:
We need the following:
Shaving cream
Men's snow boots
Men's winter jackets​
OIM's Winter Wear Program