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Hear what we have to say

Jul 11, 2019
Learning to Carve
Larissa volunteering at the 2017 festival Every year, the Canadian Stone Carving Festival raises funds for Innercity Arts. Many young...

Jun 24, 2019
A Glimpse into Mental Illness
Damon was downtown one afternoon, when he began to sense the ever too familiar feelings of anxiety and depression taking over: quickening...

Apr 12, 2019
Mandala Workshop
“Mandalas are an ancient artistic technique used in many cultures around the world as an aid to understanding who we are as individuals...

Feb 14, 2019
New Bursary Program
For the past several years, the Canadian Stone Carving Festival has raised funds for Innercity Arts. The festival founders are passionate...

Apr 14, 2018
Made of Good Quality by a Caring Craftsman
Yet he was not cared for in the same way as he was made, left with many stains of abandonment and abuse. Over time, alcohol, depression...

Jun 14, 2017
Stone Carving Workshop
Innercity Arts was lucky enough to have Patrick Imai, a local carver, volunteer his time to come in to teach us about soap stone carving....

Sep 16, 2016
Fabric Art
Last week, local artist and OIM volunteer Ruth Allison did a workshop with the youth at Innercity Arts. She talked to the youth about her...

Sep 25, 2015
Terrarium Workshop
Last night was a busy night at art group! We were busy making terrariums! The youth loved choosing their plants and trinkets to make...
Jul 31, 2015
Turning Youth Away…..
In July 2014, the Passion 4 Youth Fine Arts Program had reached full capacity. We had 20 youth in a tiny room – with no space for any...

Jul 15, 2015
Tiffany Smith Portraits
It’s been so busy around OIM lately, especially with the P4Y program. That’s why it has taken this long to acknowledge this woman. I want...

Jun 12, 2015
P4Y Auction: Sneak Peek!
The participants of the Passion 4 Youth Fine Arts Program have been working hard to prepare for the upcoming auction. Here’s a sneak...

May 7, 2014
The Problem with Focusing on Problems
Meet Nicky: homeless, alcoholic, mentally ill. Nicky joined the art group last year. She told me that most of her childhood had been...

Mar 14, 2014
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” ― Benjamin Franklin Mentorship is one of the most important...

Mar 7, 2014
Outgrowing and Overcoming
Many street-engaged youth struggle with addictions. Below is a work of art by a P4Y artist. This artist has struggled with addiction for...
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