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Hear what we have to say

Nov 29, 2017
A Homeless Vet’s Journey: Week 2
To hear the audio introduction to A Homeless Vet’s Journey – Week 2, click play below: Taking Kurk aside, I asked him about the money...
Jul 29, 2013
A Treatise on the Term “Pro-Life”
Many individuals in the church like to say that they are “Pro-Life”, which is an interesting phrase to use. The term “Pro-Life”, to me,...
Jun 24, 2011
Just ‘doing their job’? You decide…
A few weeks ago, one of our street youth was found drowned in the Ottawa River. I can tell you he came from a broken home, with all the...
May 6, 2010
Tom is back!
Tom is back, and is doing well. He came to see me last Friday and has been ‘in and out’ of the office all week. He has hit the ground...
Apr 29, 2010
Tom Called
Tom Called (see previous blogs re. Injustice) While I was away in Vancouver I received the following email from our front line...
Apr 15, 2010
Injustice IV – Stonewalled
A heavy heart is mine as I write what will probably be the last blog about Tom until he is released. There are several reasons for this,...
Apr 9, 2010
Injustice upon injustice III
I am sorry to report that Tom is still in detention – the ‘proper’ name for jail, although there is nothing ‘proper’ about it at all. ...
Apr 2, 2010
Injustice upon injustice II
A miserable week – especially if you are incarcerated. Here’s an update about my buddy ‘Tom’. ‘Tom’ is not his real name, but there may...
Mar 25, 2010
Injustice upon injustice – it’s called Life on the Streets
Some things set me right over the edge, mostly it’s a different story with a similar theme: injustice (see Justice III, Feb 26/10). Here...
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