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Hear what we have to say

Oct 30, 2019
The 52-Hertz Whale
Have you ever met someone who is just amazing at remembering names? That person who you met once 3 years ago, who remembers your name as...

Mar 29, 2019
Resilient Heroes
Resiliency is the ability to recovery readily after being bent or stretched from adversity. I have about 50 heroes in my life; all of...

Mar 20, 2019
10 Years of Innercity Arts
As we near the 10th anniversary of Innercity Arts, I wanted to look back on how the program came about. I recently spoke with Jason Pino,...

Sep 17, 2018
Community BBQ
Our Administrative Assistant, Gaby, is normally busy working at the office. But recently, she had the opportunity to visit our drop-in...

Jun 14, 2018
Even The ‘Unlovable’
I’m not talking about the stories of trauma, tragedy or loss which I have – sadly – come to expect. No, I’m talking about something a...

Apr 7, 2018
Taking Time To Notice
And yet, they are all there with the same message: “I want your attention.” The reward in the discovery of a “blur” is like a box waiting...

Mar 1, 2018
An Unexpected Encounter
I want to share a short, but quite wonderful, blessing I received from my street-engaged friend named ‘Bob.’ When you are on the streets,...
Oct 13, 2017
The Bob Series: Marginalized survivors
Note: To protect the identity of the people I write about, I have chosen to use the name ‘Bob’ in the following piece… All of the people...

Sep 14, 2017
THE ‘BOB’ SERIES: Somebody see me
I wanted to share today about a gentle soul that I have been blessed to serve on several occasions. Bob has never responded to me except...

Aug 1, 2017
Canadian Stone Carving Festival
On July 21-23, thirty-five stone carvers gathered on Ottawa’s historic Sparks Street for the Canadian Stone Carving Festival. Each was...

Jun 14, 2017
Stone Carving Workshop
Innercity Arts was lucky enough to have Patrick Imai, a local carver, volunteer his time to come in to teach us about soap stone carving....

Mar 15, 2017
The Portrait of the Artist
“Every portrait that is painted with feeling is a portrait of the artist, not of the sitter. The sitter is merely the accident, the...

Sep 16, 2016
Fabric Art
Last week, local artist and OIM volunteer Ruth Allison did a workshop with the youth at Innercity Arts. She talked to the youth about her...

Aug 10, 2016
What Is Small Is Big
I was reminded of this the other day when a former client called us from Toronto to catch up. She and her husband moved from Ottawa to...

Apr 9, 2015
Easter Reflections
He grew up on a native reserve, where the cruel history of the church was ever-present. For Allan, the church building was not a safe...
Sep 11, 2014
Something About a Name
Every Tuesday, each week, we have our drop-in. I am sure by now many of you know what that is but let me explain for those who don’t....
Aug 28, 2014
“I’m so glad you’re open today”
We had to close our drop-in for a few weeks this summer due to a scheduling conflict with the church we use. I missed seeing our regular...

Jul 2, 2014
The Light – P4Y Poetry
There is a new youth who has been coming to art group recently. I met him on outreach a few years ago and I discovered that from a young...

Mar 14, 2014
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” ― Benjamin Franklin Mentorship is one of the most important...
Jan 30, 2014
Staff Perspective: A Night to Remember
A few weeks ago I was walking home from work when something very memorable happened. It was a crisp evening with the streets bustling...
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