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Hear what we have to say

Nov 14, 2019
Above and Beyond
Wednesday night team on the first snowy night of the season. When OIM staff pack up for the day and lock the doors at 4pm, we know that...

Mar 20, 2019
10 Years of Innercity Arts
As we near the 10th anniversary of Innercity Arts, I wanted to look back on how the program came about. I recently spoke with Jason Pino,...

May 24, 2018
Nurturing God’s Creation
Our love of nurturing nature in this simple way brings great joy. While most of us understand the need to nurture God’s creation, helping...

Apr 22, 2018
Ottawa Emergency Services – Thank You!
One chilly Sunday afternoon early in April our team crossed Dalhousie Street at Rideau. There in front of a popular cafe, amidst the...

Apr 18, 2018
Building Relationships On The Street
One of those individuals who I have met while on street outreach is “Bob.” Bob has been living on the streets for many years. I count it...

Apr 11, 2018
Is there someone out there who cares?
When someone from the street experiences loss, their own isolation and marginalization is often compounded with the question: Does anyone...
Mar 8, 2018
The Kindness of Human Contact
On a recent family vacation to BC, we witnessed polite but dishevelled panhandlers plying their trade amidst the more decidedly destitute...

Mar 1, 2018
An Unexpected Encounter
I want to share a short, but quite wonderful, blessing I received from my street-engaged friend named ‘Bob.’ When you are on the streets,...

Jan 11, 2018
“Mountains” | a Poem by Street Poet ‘Stan’
Some seem helpless and solely dependent upon one or more of the many institutions, like Ottawa Innercity Ministries (OIM), whose support...

Oct 26, 2017
Making a Difference In The Midst of Adversity – Is It Possible?
I see it each Sunday night in the stylish clothes some people wear or the cars others don’t have. It’s visible in their health or...
Sep 22, 2017
She is Not Unknown
You see her every day on your way to work. Usually she is sitting at Tim Horton’s or resting on a bench. She is hard to miss – a small...

Sep 7, 2017
One evening, while on street outreach…
Later that evening, my young street outreach partner and I met 52 street friends. They represented all facets of this diverse culture;...

Aug 10, 2017
Just a couple of Canadians (eh?), talking on the bus.
It happened as I got on the bus & looked around for an empty spot. “There she is!” I heard someone say. It was Ted. He was sitting alone....

Jul 20, 2017
THE ‘BOB’ SERIES: For Those Who Matter
Back to “Bob”: this is a man who has seen every province in our great country. This is a man who has been through many traumas, who will...
Dec 24, 2016
Episode 8: Danielle’s Christmas Wish
Hi I’m Danielle. My wish is that everyone has someone to be with this Christmas, and if not, that they feel God is with them, that His...
Dec 9, 2016
Danielle’s Story: Episode 5 – I found OIM (or OIM found me)
“Danielle’s Story” is a series running throughout December. To listen to the audio backgrounder from Family Radio CHRI, click the play...
Dec 6, 2016
Danielle’s Story: Episode 4 – Back to Ottawa (again)
“Danielle’s Story” is a series running throughout December. To listen to the audio backgrounder from Family Radio CHRI, click the play...
Sep 2, 2016
Reaching a Milestone
Innercity Arts reached a significant milestone this week: we registered our 100th youth. This is a pretty amazing feat, given the...

Mar 3, 2016
A Volunteer’s Reflection
Lots of people tell me that they think I’m doing so much when they hear that I do street outreach with OIM. I go out each week to hand...
Jan 15, 2016
Prayer Request
It was a particularly cold night on outreach last week when we came across Brian. It was our first time meeting Brian – who informed us...
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