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Hear what we have to say

Jan 13, 2020
He Fought Like a Soldier
On Jan 15, OIM launches a NEW Innercity Veterans Outreach & Support Service (DETAILS BELOW). Over the coming weeks and months, we will be...

Jun 28, 2018
Volunteer Spotlight
#makingadifference #Volunteering #VolunteeringWithOttawaInnercityMinistries

Jun 7, 2018
Volunteer Perspectives: It’s All About Love
#helpthepoor #Volunteer #Volunteering

Apr 13, 2018
A “New” Pair of Shoes
The whole night went by and we handed out the usual: sandwiches, socks, juice boxes. Finally, as we were ending our shift, one of the...

Feb 1, 2018
The OIM Volunteer: A Staff Perspective

Nov 16, 2017
A Passion To Serve
Why do you volunteer at OIM? It’s a question that I have been asking our volunteers lately. The answers that have come back have had one...

Sep 7, 2017
One evening, while on street outreach…
Later that evening, my young street outreach partner and I met 52 street friends. They represented all facets of this diverse culture;...

Aug 31, 2017
A Humbling Experience
John’s colourful dress reflected his mood and his outlook. I had once told him he reminded me of a peacock because he always had feathers...

Aug 10, 2017
Just a couple of Canadians (eh?), talking on the bus.
It happened as I got on the bus & looked around for an empty spot. “There she is!” I heard someone say. It was Ted. He was sitting alone....

Jun 14, 2017
Stone Carving Workshop
Innercity Arts was lucky enough to have Patrick Imai, a local carver, volunteer his time to come in to teach us about soap stone carving....

Feb 10, 2017
Imagine A World With More HOPE
This is George Frederic Watts 1886 painting, “Hope.” Hope is sitting on a globe, blindfolded, clutching a wooden lyre with only one...

Sep 16, 2016
Fabric Art
Last week, local artist and OIM volunteer Ruth Allison did a workshop with the youth at Innercity Arts. She talked to the youth about her...
Sep 2, 2016
Reaching a Milestone
Innercity Arts reached a significant milestone this week: we registered our 100th youth. This is a pretty amazing feat, given the...

May 6, 2016
Art Show….Sneak Peak!
The youth of Innercity Arts have been working hard, creating some amazing art for the upcoming art show. Here’s a sneak peak! Please come...

Feb 19, 2016
Knowing You’re Loved
A few weeks ago, I was looking through an old box of memories from my childhood when I found this: It was a valentine I received when I...

Feb 11, 2016
Celiac on the Streets
Some people have a policy to only give food to panhandlers. Some even get offended if the panhandler rejects the offer of food. For these...
Apr 30, 2015
The Tale of Two Piano Movers
HI – My name is Dr. Greg Payne. I help folks at the Ottawa Innercity Ministries Drop-In center. This story I am about to tell gives you a...

Apr 17, 2014
Volunteer Perspective
Getting up for 5:30 am isn’t very enjoyable to me but then I get thinking about our street friends in Ottawa. They have already started...

Apr 8, 2014
WOW!! Volunteer Week at OIM!
Of course, it’s the same volunteer week as everywhere else, but at OIM, our volunteers are the best! Why? Our volunteers are on the...

Mar 14, 2014
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” ― Benjamin Franklin Mentorship is one of the most important...
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