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Ottawa Innercity Ministries

Shane’s Story, Episode 1: Early Life

Shane’s Story is an eight episode blog post where Shane tells her story in her own words.  Each week in December, on Mondays and Thursdays at 8 a.m. you can click on both the radio spot and then read the Episode of this special gal’s story. Tweet it to your friends – it gets better as we get closer to Christmas, and Shane’s special Christmas wish to each of you: Hold tight! it is going to be a great ride! Merry Christmas!

Click the ‘play’ button to hear a part of her story, then read the rest below: 

I remember when I was really little, my mom and dad smoked. They were sitting on the steps having a cigarette and I was running around, ‘cause I was only little. I ran up and mom’s cigarette hit my face and now I’ve got this dot somewhere. I can’t point it out without a mirror, but I’ve got this little dot somewhere.  It was my first cigarette (laughs). I was 2 or 3.

Life was pretty good until I was five. Not much horrible until that time. When I was five my mother died and then things got really hostile. My brother would beat kids up, he’d find guns, he’d find drugs, and like we found a pistol he had bought, we found it in his room. We had to hide it and then my dad got rid of it.

There was me and my little sister then and I also had an older half-brother and half-sister.  My older sister used to get really violent, like really violent. She had anger management issues: I’d get slapped up, my younger sister would get slapped up. She was five years older than me.  They were my half-sisters, from my mom and another man.

The house kind of became a war zone after my mom died. You know, things happen.

Then we got our step mom. She was nice at first, but when she came to live with us it was all different.

She brought 3 kids into the house, all older.

When she moved in, it was like ‘we just lost our house’ and our rights, and our toys, and our TV. She’d take the Christmas money that was set aside, and she’d buy her kids snowboards, cameras, cell phones… and we’d get cheap pajamas. Oh well – it makes character. Builds character. Don’t need all these fancy gadgets (nervous laughter). Well, life’s not fair, so that’s ok (laughter again).  It’s easier to laugh at it, than to get upset. It really wasn’t very funny then.

I got into stealing when I was little.  They had all this expensive stuff and they wouldn’t give it to me and no one would buy it for me, so I would just take it. Shaving razors were given to them, but not to me.

I would go to the forest and catch bugs and stuff and they would be… mine.  Just for me. Pets. They all died though. I didn’t know how to take care of them.

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