Making a Difference In The Midst of Adversity – Is It Possible?
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Hear what we have to say
I see it each Sunday night in the stylish clothes some people wear or the cars others don’t have. It’s visible in their health or...
Oct 13, 2017
The Bob Series: Marginalized survivors
Note: To protect the identity of the people I write about, I have chosen to use the name ‘Bob’ in the following piece… All of the people...
Sep 14, 2017
THE ‘BOB’ SERIES: Somebody see me
I wanted to share today about a gentle soul that I have been blessed to serve on several occasions. Bob has never responded to me except...
Sep 7, 2017
One evening, while on street outreach…
Later that evening, my young street outreach partner and I met 52 street friends. They represented all facets of this diverse culture;...
Aug 31, 2017
A Humbling Experience
John’s colourful dress reflected his mood and his outlook. I had once told him he reminded me of a peacock because he always had feathers...
Aug 24, 2017
It’s the small things in life that matter
But it is the mundane, the everyday events, that can have the biggest impact. My role at the drop-in is that of a greeter. Some say it is...
Aug 10, 2017
Just a couple of Canadians (eh?), talking on the bus.
It happened as I got on the bus & looked around for an empty spot. “There she is!” I heard someone say. It was Ted. He was sitting alone....
Jul 20, 2017
THE ‘BOB’ SERIES: For Those Who Matter
Back to “Bob”: this is a man who has seen every province in our great country. This is a man who has been through many traumas, who will...
Jul 14, 2017
Staff Perspectives: What Our Street Community Has Taught Me
I’m originally from El Salvador and I moved to Canada last year. When you come from a country like mine (a beautiful country but with...
Feb 17, 2017
What if it was you?
Valentines Day Week – just passed. Kudos to all of our volunteer outreach workers in all capacities: street outreach, drop in, office...
Feb 10, 2017
Imagine A World With More HOPE
This is George Frederic Watts 1886 painting, “Hope.” Hope is sitting on a globe, blindfolded, clutching a wooden lyre with only one...
Dec 5, 2016
Danielle’s Story: Episode 3 – A repose in the midst of trouble
“Danielle’s Story” is a series running throughout December. To listen to the audio backgrounder from Family Radio CHRI, click the play...
Nov 28, 2016
Danielle’s Story: Episode 1 – Early Life
“Danielle’s Story” is a series running throughout December. To listen to the audio backgrounder from Family Radio CHRI, click the play...
Aug 10, 2016
What Is Small Is Big
I was reminded of this the other day when a former client called us from Toronto to catch up. She and her husband moved from Ottawa to...
Dec 9, 2015
Eric’s Journey, Episode 3: Drugs Owned My Life
“Eric’s Journey” is a 7 part series running throughout December. To listen to the audio backgrounder from Family Radio CHRI, click the...
Dec 7, 2015
Eric’s Journey, Episode 2: Throughout School and then Through WITH School
“Eric’s Journey” is a 7 part series running throughout December. To listen to the audio backgrounder from Family Radio CHRI, click the...
Dec 2, 2015
Eric’s Journey, Episode 1: Early Life
“Eric’s Journey” is a 7 part series running throughout December. To listen to the audio backgrounder from Family Radio CHRI, click the...
Dec 8, 2014
Shane’s Story, Episode 3: On My Own
Shane’s Story is a eight episode blog post where Shane tells her story in her own words. Each week in December, on Mondays and Thursdays...
Dec 4, 2014
Shane’s Story, Episode 2: School
Shane’s Story is an eight episode blog post where Shane tells her story in her own words. Each week in December, on Mondays and...
Nov 27, 2014
Shane’s Story
Shane’s Story is an eight episode blog post where Shane tells her story in her own words. Each week in December, on Mondays and...
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