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An Encounter With the Story

It's been over a decade since I first became aware of Ottawa Innercity Ministries. On the morning drives into work, my radio was usually tuned to our local Christian station, CHRI. I listened to the story of a young woman, who after leaving a troubled home, ended up on the streets of Ottawa. Her story of how OIM provided support and help captured my interest and heart, and I felt God calling me to connect with this organization. While I served in different areas over the years, this young woman’s story really stayed with me.

Eventually, I made the move to serve in one of our two Innercity Arts Programs. It is here that youth can come into a safe space, enjoy a hot meal, socialize with peers and explore the many forms of “art” (drawing, painting, carving, sewing, music, beading, felting, etc.) This program also offers help and support to mentor, guide and meet the practical needs of these young people.

At one point, a young woman from the other group made the move to join our group. When I was introduced to her, to my great surprise and delight, I was finally meeting the person whose story on the radio many years ago had captured my heart and inspired me to join OIM.

Working with these young people every week is an experience like no other. We have the privilege and blessing of coming alongside them, in times of need as well as in good times. We may not always be able to “make it all better” but that does not mean there is no hope. We have the Great Physician and Healer, our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, to turn to and lift these young lives up to Him in confident prayer.

Prayer is such a huge part of what we do for our youth, entrusting them into His love and care. And the young woman I first heard about on the radio, who inspired me to join OIM? Well, she is now working F/T, living in a new city and making a good life for herself. She is just one of many success stories.

~Debby, Youth Program Assistant

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