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Ottawa Innercity Ministries

Breaking Bread Together

Having recently transferred from Operations Support to IVOS, Innercity Veterans Outreach and Support, I have come to a better understanding of the importance of community and breaking of bread together with others, especially these days. COVID has taken its toll on so many people over the past few years, that even now eating with people can feel strange.

Throughout the Bible there are many instances of meals being shared together. Eating together helps build relationships, not only between friends but between those who don’t know each other. It is a welcome time of comfort and enjoyment.

At our IVOS group on Wednesdays, when restrictions permit, we are able to eat at safe distances. Even though we are not back to pre-COVID normal, it has been wonderful to see the blessing of community and gladness that the meals have brought to the Veterans who are attending.

Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts,” Acts 2:46

~Gwynneth – IVOS Support

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