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Ottawa Innercity Ministries

Community in a time of isolation

OIM is all about community, even during the most difficult times. But while we are always striving to do so amongst our street friends, one beautiful bi-product of this ministry is the community that is created among the volunteers.

Teams of people working side by side, sometimes for years on end, loving each other and those around them. It is truly a precious thing. Especially in these challenging times of social isolation, what a joy it is not only to come together and fulfill a common purpose but benefit from the relationships with other volunteers.

Just last week a group of volunteers met, after serving together on the Door Outreach ministry, for a time of debrief and prayer. One volunteer shared what a blessing it is to serve alongside like-minded people and described the bonds created while volunteering together. This volunteer noted that even after our time of fellowship here is over, we’ll have eternity to fellowship together in heaven.

Now that is something that we can truly celebrate.

~Sarah, Volunteer Coordinator

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