My friend Tim gave me a gift last week and I want to share the story that goes with it. It’s a creative writing piece, with a twist in the story at the end. On a beautiful background of a lake/mountain scene, this is written (in Tim’a own words):
All Are God’s Favourites
I was walking through the back parking lot when I noticed something. It looked like a framed picture. So I picked it out of the garbage dumpster and brought it home. Then later when a friend was helping me redecorate the apartment, he put the picture on the wall in the living room beside my favourite chair.
And beside it was a lamp that brightly shone on it!
This became another one of my favourite pictures. You know, just as I gave this picture a special place on my wall, I had the impression that on the walls of God’s heart are all of his children. And all of them are his favourites. And yes, on his walls are all his favourite ones. Even the ones that are lost waiting to be found!

That’s Amazing Grace!
Yes – Amazing Grace indeed! The twist? Later in the day Tim returned and asked me if I wanted to have the framed picture. He presented a beautiful painted portrait of a Lion (the photo here does not it justice), and told me it was prophetic: something beautiful coming from the dumpster.