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A few hands, a LOT of heart

Ottawa Innercity Ministries

Sitting in my work space this morning at our OIM office, I am reminded that the efforts of just a few, can often yield much.

As a small charity, we have a ‘multi-use’ space, meaning it functions as a reception/drop-in/outreach/kitchen/storage/staff/community space throughout the week. And sometimes, when you catch us on a ‘typical’ day, the space is ‘firing on all cylinders.’ This morning, we have three of our staff busy working at their desks, writing, planning and making phone calls, a street-involved friend engaged in food prep in the kitchen/reception area, a Work Skills volunteer gathering supplies for tomorrow’s drop-in, and a volunteer dropping off sandwiches and snacks for street outreach. This small group of people is kick-starting the week that will allow our staff and volunteers to feed and care for 100 people at our Tuesday drop-in, deliver sandwiches and other provisions to another 150 on street outreach, and provide snacks and conversations for another two dozen at our office stop-ins on Wednesday and Thursdays.

We are told that many hands make the work light; today, I am reminded that with just a few hands, and a LOT of heart, we are able to do so much more than we often imagine we can.

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