At our recent OIM staff meeting Ken wanted each of us to share what we thought the “good news” was in this scripture passage:
The Spirit of the Lord is on me,
because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor” Luke 4:18
We each shared our thoughts and then Ken shared his take on the “good news”: that no matter your lot in life – poor, wealthy, etc – each person is of worth to God.
This sentiment is what the volunteers and staff at OIM try to convey to each person we help. We share God’s love through word and through our deeds and actions, trying to make each person feel that they have worth in the eyes of God.
Here are a few practical examples: just yesterday we ran our Christmas Meal and served a hot turkey meal to 150 people; we have street teams going out every night of the week to provide a sandwich, snacks, gloves and a dry pair of socks. These items are especially appreciated during the cold winter nights.
At OIM, every event, outreach or activity seeks to meet practical needs while pointing people to the one who can meet all needs and give every person a sense of worth - Jesus. And the “good news” is that Jesus is available to all - rich or poor - at any time, if we call on him.
~Warren, Promotions & Events Coordinator
