It is with a heavy heart that I sit down to write this. Its only been a few days since we learned about the passing of a cherished Innercity Arts member. To protect her family’s privacy, I will refer to her as Cherish; a fitting tribute to a beautiful, gentle, soul.
I met Cherish about 10 years ago when I began volunteering in the Innercity Arts program. She was talented in many art forms, whether painting, sculpting, jewellery making, sewing, or making beautiful cards for people. She always showed genuine care and concern for her peers and would often gift people with her artwork. At one point, she and a couple other artists were planning to initiate their own outreach to homeless youth.
Cherish knew great hardships in her life, growing up in the shelter system. She struggled with housing, food security and addiction; something that many of the Arts program members can identify with.
Eventually she contracted a flesh eating disease, which destroyed one of her hips. Over the years, there was hope of a hip replacement, but that never came to be. Although she lived with pain and disability, she always saw the need in others and did what she could to show love and support. She had the heart of a lion and showed great compassion and generosity towards others.
Cherish’s life had meaning and purpose and she was loved by many. We mourn a sweet, caring, talented young woman whose life was cut far too short.
1 John 3:11 says “This is the message you have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another.” Although Cherish was not a Christ follower, she lived this every day. Rest in peace, sweet girl, you are forever loved and missed.
Debby Palmer, Youth Program Assistant