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Thanksgiving at OIM

Ottawa Innercity Ministries

While the Thanksgiving we are celebrating today is a different version that comes from the early settlers of North America, being thankful and sharing with those less fortunate than us has a deeper meaning to Christians. When I look at Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, numerous verses jump out at me, but this one hits home: 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 (NIV).

To me, this reading encompasses Thanksgiving. Everything on earth comes from God; thus, everything we have comes from God. If God has blessed us to have an abundance, be it time, money, patience, the gift of listening, etc., it is up to us as followers to use those gifts as best we can. In particular, we should share our good fortune generously and cheerfully with those who do not have the abundance we have been blessed with. After all, they, too, are made in God’s image and have a purpose in and for his Kingdom.

This Tuesday, we are holding our Thanksgiving meal at Knox Presbyterian Church. We hope to not only share physical nourishment with our street friends, but we (Volunteers and Staff) hope to share our time, our ears, and our voices in making this a memorable event for everyone to remember throughout the coming year!

Thank you, Jesus, for sacrificing yourself for us, your sheep. While we do not deserve it, your grace encourages us to repent and follow your example daily.

~ Brian Griffin, Volunteer Coordinator

OIM volunteers preparing food at OIM's 2023 Thanksgiving Meal

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