My first day in clothing over 4 years ago was greatly challenged by one of our street friends as he stepped into my personal space and told me his position on women. Yelling, “No women is going to tell me what to do”. I looked at him took one step back and said “okay then”. Trusting The Lord each step of the way as our street friend would learn we are not all bad but broken in a fallen world.
After over 4 years of serving at OIM I have been privileged to love the poor and homeless through their brokenness. Walking closely beside my street friend who made my first day at OIM memorable and how he and I look forward to our time at OIM coming together in a loving, supportive community growing stronger in our faith. The need to feel accepted, not judged and belonging have been met at OIM.
I am privileged to see many come to Christ and grow in their faith, finding hope, grace, love and forgiveness. OIM is making a difference. God Bless this ministry.
In His service,
Angela Jones Young